Old school death metal never gets old, especially when it's as intense as juicy-sounding as this one. From Italy, DAEMONIACattempt and succeed to play Swedish-style death metal comparable to their country mates in HORRID and MINDSNARE. Stream the album in full HERE.
DAEMONIAC (Italy) - 'Spawn of the Fallen' (January 1st, 2017) Genre - Old School Death Metal Release Date - January 1st, 2017 Record Label - Xtreem Music For fans of - GRAVE, DISMEMBER, UNLEASHED, ENTOMBED, VERMIN, MACRODEX, MERCILESS, NIHILISTDAEMONIAC are going from strength to strength. If you thought their previous album on Xtreem Music was killer, wait till you hear this one. It sounds absolutely massive and hearkens back to the time in Sweden when the death metal scene was rife with bands trying to sound heavier and more evil than anyone else they knew. This sounds like a slice from that golden era. It's unblemished by trends and is the purest strain of death metal you'll get these days. They even have that vaguely mysterious quality to their music that lends to it a special appeal. It's as if the last 25 years never happened. Death metal fans are going to be all over this and the Italians are doing it with a lot of passion, confidence and class.

Track list: 1. Intro / Macabre Eucharist 06:51 2. Regurgitated From Hell 04:02 3. From Depths of Hideous Chasms 05:36 4. Spawn of the Fallen 05:00 5. Intro / Procreation of Hatred 05:11 6. Cursed Hecatomb 06:42 7. Upon Golgotha 05:01 8. Cremation (Macrodex cover) 05:26Line up: Max - Bass/Vocals Dave - Drums Nicko - Guitar
Label owner/Editor/PR headTranscending Obscurity Records | PR Company | Online Magazine (est 2005)
www.tometal.com / www.transcendingobscurity.com
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